At Birkby Junior School we are committed to delivering a high-quality Computing curriculum, which aims to inspire our pupils to broaden their view of the range of technology around them and to develop a deeper understanding of computing networks, including the Internet. We use the National Curriculum for computing to ensure that pupils gain experience in: learning about and applying key ICT and coding skills; understanding how the real world operates and being creative in the digital world. Our teaching of Computing equips pupils with the necessary knowledge, skills and understanding needed to be safe online and to express themselves respectfully. Pupils will develop their logical reasoning and subject specific vocabulary to enable them to communicate what they are doing and why.
During our coding lessons we use Discovery Education as an educational tool to support the teaching of coding and the development of coding skills. This supports our pupils to gain a secure understanding of coding concepts, like algorithms, sequences and variables, and develops critical computational thinking skills through decomposition, logical reasoning, and imaginative problem-solving.
Within each year group, Computing learning covers Information Technology, Computer Science and Digital Literacy. In addition to delivery of our regular Computing curriculum, we hold a whole school Online Safety theme day. This event allows children the opportunity to learn about a particular aspect of Online Safety in depth.
At Birkby Junior School we are fortunate to have an ICT suite which has a class set of up-to-date computers, headphones and an Interactive whiteboard. The ICT suite is timetabled so each class is allocated a slot every term. During the other half term, the classes will access Computing through iPads, written work or external hardware. We also have a class set of laptops, a 3D printer and our spectacular immersive classroom. This incredible piece of technology is widely used across school and across a variety of subjects. Children are immersed into numerous environments through their sense of sight, hearing and even smell! It is an amazing stimulus that has supported children in producing high-quality pieces of work.
Children at Birkby Junior School and their Parents/Carers are well educated on keeping safe online. There are safety posters around school and children and Parents/Carers read and sign an Acceptable Use policy at the start of each year. Safe use of the Internet is always referred to when using internet services across different subjects and Online Safety is taught for half a term, so children can gain an in-depth understanding of all aspects of it. Parents/Carers are updated each half term through PING, where they receive Online Safety advice and suggested activities to do as a family. Finally, Parents/Carers are invited into school every term to take part in Online Safety discussions and to update them on any recent advances or issues within Online Safety.