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SEND Information Report 2023/2024

Birkby Junior School-128

Identifying Special Educational Needs

SEND Review Meetings and Consultations

We hold termly review meetings with staff, parents and pupils for all children at SEN Support or those with an Education, Health and Care Plan. These reviews are led by classteachers and will involve all adults who support your child. At the review meeting we will review, with you and your child, their learning and progress and set additional targets to support their development in school. These are recorded on an Additional Needs Plan or My Support Plan. Parents and carers will always receive a copy of this plan once it is complete.



School has well established transition programmes in place for all pupils including those with SEND. 

  • Year 2 and Year 6 pupils  take part in year long transition programmes where vulnerable children are clearly identified and additional visits are arranged. 
  • School has well established links with SENCOs in feeder schools and the receiving High Schools. SENCOs meet regularly over the year, sharing information and attending review meetings together. 
  • Year 6 pupils with SEND work with staff to create a personalised passport to take with them to High School. The passport outlines their strengths and what support they need in order to make good progress at their new school. 
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