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Parent Partnership

Parent Partnership are an organisation who offer support, guidance and advice. The service is free and totally confidential and offers support to parents and carers of children and young people who have already been identified as having Special Educational Needs. They also support any parents or carers who are concerned that their child may have Special Educational Needs.

KIAS can be contacted on

Tel: 01484 225422

Email: kias@kirklees.gov.uk





PCAN is an independent, parent-led forum in Kirklees for all parents and carers of children and young people with additional needs aged from birth to 25 years.

 You will find lots of good information, links to social media for networking with other parents, and information about working in partnership with service providers across Kirklees. PCAN aim to improve services for children and young people with additional needs.

They welcome all parents or carers, whether you are just beginning to become aware that your child or young person may have additional needs, or if they have confirmed diagnosis or disability.

You can contact PCAN on -

Email:  info@pcankirklees.org

Telephone:   07754 102336

Address:  PCAN, Suite 230, 6 Queen Street, Huddersfield HD1 2SQ

Website: www.pcankirklees.org

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