Birkby Junior School is committed to ensuring maximum progress for all groups of children and strives to close any gaps in achievement. We recognise that all children, regardless of background, should have equal access to a curriculum which will enable them to achieve their full potential.
What is the Pupil Premium?
Introduced in 2011, the Pupil Premium is a government initiative which provides additional funding to schools each year to help schools close the attainment gap between children from disadvantaged families and their peers. The purpose of the extra funding, is to provide additional resources from outside the school’s budget to accelerate progress and raise attainment. It is the school’s decision as to how the Pupil Premium is spent, as schools are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility. However, schools will be held accountable for how they have used the additional funding to support pupils eligible for the Pupil Premium.
How much additional funding is provided?
In 2023/24 the funding allocated is £1455 per child of Primary School age, and £2530 for children who are looked after by the Local Authority.
Who is targeted by the Pupil Premium?
Children who are deemed to be ‘disadvantaged’ - eligible or have been eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any point over the past 6 years or have been looked after for one day or more (Child Looked After).
A provision is also made for children who have a parent in the armed services.
What do we do at Birkby Junior School?
All pupils are entitled to the very best curriculum and learning opportunities, whatever their level of ability, so we ensure that our disadvantaged pupils receive help when they find learning difficult but are also offered challenges in areas where they excel. We also ensure they have the very best resources and enrichment opportunities, through visits to places of interest and participation in community events. Pupil Premium spending is reviewed in an ongoing way as each year progresses in light of regular evaluations. Future priorities are made in response to new research as well as the school’s self-evaluation processes.
We have a clear, strategic approach to the use of specific Pupil Premium funding and plans are integrated into wider school support and improvement systems. These are monitored and evaluated regularly and in depth data analysis ensures that the correct support and strategies are identified to maximise progress.
Strong leadership systems ensure that Pupil Premium funding has the necessary impact. This includes, an identified governor having responsibility for Pupil Premium and a coordinated senior leadership approach to implementing plans. All matters relating to the Pupil Premium are reported back to the Governors’ Standards and Effectiveness sub-committee, ensuring that the school is held to account for the impact of spending.
This additional funding is provided by the Government, because research suggests that children from low income families perform less well at school than their peers. The Government recognise that often, children who are entitled to Pupil Premium face challenges, such as: poor language and communication skills, less family support, lack of confidence and issues with attendance and punctuality. The pupil premium is intended to directly benefit the children who are eligible, helping to narrow the gap between them and their classmates.