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Governors' Information & Duties

The governing body has a number of committees, please see below for details of the structure of the governing body and it's committees.

The Standards and Effectiveness Committee

Head Teacher

Mr Hermann

Mr Rauf

Mrs Campbell

Miss Gallagher

Mr  Fell

Mrs  Phillips/Chair

The Strategic Resources Committee

Head Teacher

Mrs Phillips/Chair        

Mrs Pinnock-Hamilton

Mrs Andrews

Mrs Jabeen

Miss Gallagher

Mrs Hodgson

Mr Anwar

Dr Okoro

Performance Management Committee (Head Teacher Appraisal)

Mrs Campbell/Chair

Mrs Phillips

Mrs Andrews

Complaints Committee

Mr Rauf/Chair

Mr Fell

Mr Anwar

Mr Hermann

Health and Safety Committee

Mr Anwar

Mrs Jabeen/Chair

Miss Gallagher

Mrs Hodgson

Staff Dismissal Committee

Mrs S Jabeen/Chair

Mrs Andrews

Mr  Fell

Mrs Campbell

Appeals Committee- Delegated Powers


Mr Hermann/Chair

Mrs Pinnock Hamilton

Mr Rauf

Pupil Discipline Committee- Delegated Powers


Mr  Jabeen              

Mr Rauf                     

Mr Fell/Chair        

Mrs Pinnock Hamilton

Pay Committee – Governor

Mr Fell

Mrs Campbell

Mrs Pinnock-Hamilton/Chair



Register of Business Interests and Attendance


Diversity of Governors – July 2024

Diversity is very important to our school. Our governing body currently comprises a diverse group of members, including:

  • 5 men and 7 women
  • 2 disabled members
  • 6 White British, 3 Pakistani, 2 Black Caribbean members and 1 Black African
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