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Teacher Training


We are proud to be training the next generation of teachers in association with Kirklees and Calderdale School-Centred Initial Teacher Training.​​​​​

Kirklees and Calderdale SCITT is an established provider of Initial Teacher Training, rated Good in their OFSTED inspection last year and have been training teachers since 2003. They train Secondary teachers across all subjects and are able to offer placements across Kirklees and Calderdale in a range of different schools. 

Birkby Junior School is proud to host their trainees and work closely with the SCITT in providing placements year on year. With this programme you would be in school from day one, four days a week and one day at central training.

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Kirklees & Calderdale SCITT has an experienced core team of central trainers who come from differing backgrounds within Education, bringing a wealth of experience and knowledge to their central programme. This theoretical programme enhances and supports the school-based learning.

For more information about teacher training, contact:

Cathy Scott

Tel01484 221177

Email: teacher.recruitment@kirklees.gov.uk

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